What does "Sentiment Analysis" mean?

Sentiment Analysis, also known as opinion mining, is the process of computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in text to determine the sentiment conveyed. It classifies text as positive, negative, or neutral based on the underlying sentiment.

Use Cases

Social Media Monitoring:

Analyzing public opinions and sentiments about products or brands.

Customer Feedback:

Identifying customer sentiments from reviews and comments.

Market Research:

Analyzing sentiments to gauge public opinion and trends.


Customer Insights:

Provides valuable insights into customer opinions and preferences.

Brand Reputation Management:

Monitors and manages public perception of brands and products.

Decision Support:

Helps businesses make informed decisions based on sentiment trends and analysis.


Sentiment Analysis is like reading reviews of a movie to gauge audience reactions. Just as you assess whether reviews express positive, negative, or neutral opinions about the movie, sentiment analysis algorithms classify text to determine underlying sentiment.

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