K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification and regression tasks. It classifies new data points based on similarities to the k nearest neighbors in the training dataset. In regression, it predicts values by averaging the outcomes of the k nearest neighbors.
- Glossary > Letter: K
What does "K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)" mean?

Use Cases
Identifying the class of an object based on the majority class among its nearest neighbors.
Predicting numerical values based on the average of values from neighboring data points.
Anomaly Detection :
Identifying outliers based on their distances from neighboring points.

Easy to understand and implement, making it suitable for initial baseline models.
Does not assume any underlying data distribution, making it versatile.
Interpretability :
Provides transparency by directly relating predictions to similar instances in the dataset.

K-Nearest Neighbors is like asking for recommendations from your neighbors in a neighborhood. You decide which restaurant to try based on the preferences of your closest neighbors, assuming they have similar tastes to yours.
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